16 January 2010

Gold Leopard Print Nails

As requested by Kim, Bicky and Leanne, here's my Konad NOTD. This is the first one i've done using my new M57 plate.

I thought i'd go for the classic gold and black leopard print design - I did practise on the nail polish I was wearing before (Barry M - Turquoise) and it looked really nice on top of that - I wish i'd taken pics!

I used a little No17 polish that I got in a set for Christmas - the only problem is I have no idea what the colour is called!

I then used Barry M Black to print the leopard print design onto it. It doesn't print very dark but in some ways I think it looks better like that. I'll consider buying one of the Konad polishes in black so that I can get a better print.


  1. oooo, really like these nails :)
    so glad u put the video in this too :) glad everyones getting behind a great cause.
    I'm having a quiet weekend, and I think the highlight will be getting the first token for the Barry M goodies- Oh what a looser I am, ha!

  2. Ooh I've done a similar konad-cure with a Barry M gold polish before, it looks great!


  3. Wow, this looks amazing xxx

  4. Yayyyy love it! Good work. :D

  5. These nails are gorgeous! So clever x

  6. Wow, I am a leopard print freak and I want to paint my nails like that the next time I am gonna have a professional manicure. It's amazing how you did that by yourself.

  7. I love your NOTD here! Im never quite that sucsessful with my konad plates, need to keep practising i think :)
