6 January 2010


As you all know its been super snowy in the UK in the past few days. I thought i'd do a post with a few snowy pics. Sixth form was shut yesterday and today so i've been catching up on work and just enjoying not being there!
The snow on the top of the fence shows how deep it was at about 2pm on Tuesday.
How has the snow been where you live?


  1. The snow near me hasn't been so bad but I couldn't get to work as the main road got way too dangerous and slippery. My mum lives about 20 minutes drive from me and she's had about 6 inches overnight so she's stuck indoors. I doubt I'll be going anywhere tomorrow as it's throwing down another ton now. :(

    Kelly x


  2. No snow had stuck in Cardiff till last night, then we got hit by a bloody blizzard. We went into cinema to see avatar sans snow and came out to an inch thick covering 3 hours later (and a dead car battery!!) But its nice and pretty I suppose!

  3. It's quite bad here, but i live on a high street so they're clearing all the snow for the shoppers so i don't get to build a snowman :( not fair!

    At least i haven't fallen over *yet*

  4. the snow's really bad where i am! lovely pics.. i like the first one :)


  5. It was snowing on and off all day yesterday and we've got a thick layer of snow this morning.

    I got my bf to change my blog to a 3 colomn one but I think he used one of the online templates he found on google, sorry I can't be more helpful x

  6. http://minibox-template.blogspot.com/ All you have to do is save the file, then go to Layout > Edit HTML > Upload file.

    http://www.shabbyblogs.com/backgrounds_three_column.html < for 3 column background.

    hope it helps, it worked on mine :D x

  7. I have given you a award lovey!

  8. I've nominated you for an award :) xoxo


  9. hey i nominated you for an award :)


  10. Hey hun if you manage to work out the 3 column thing can you let me know, i wanna do it too!! xxx

  11. Thank you so much for the birthday wish

    Hope you have fun in the snow :D
