12 April 2010

Like, Love, Hate Tag

I was tagged by the lovely Rosie, please check out her blog as she's just started blogging again :) 
Here are 12 things I like, 1 thing I ♥ and 8 things I hate:

I like lazy days in the sun

I like giving blood

I like cupcakes

I like buying lots of little inexpensive things 

I like Italian food, especially Prezzo Pizza

I like freshly hoovered carpet and clean bedsheets

I like getting nice things in the post

I like brightly coloured nail polish

I like Ellie Goulding

I like reading my horoscope in magazines

I like Momiji dolls

I ♥ my pets :)

I hate it when my nail polish creases
I hate revision
I hate it when rain smudges my makeup
I hate paper cuts
I hate not having a job/no money 
I hate onions
I hate cancer
I hate going to the dentist

I'm going to tag:


  1. Love that your pets names are all foods hehe :)
    I like Italian food also, i could live on it.. i had that is soooo bad for you :'(

  2. Awww your pets are the cutest and I love their names! So sweet :).


  3. Prezzo is absolutely delicious, ahh I'm hungry now :(

  4. I like getting nice things in the post - It's very rare though. Bank statements and things I've ordered and paid for are all I normally get :( although today the postman kindly delivered my car tax and insurance renewal forms :'(

    I'm weird when it comes to onions - I tend to just cut off a few slices and eat it on its own if I'm peckish :) strange? Lol xx

  5. Thank you for the tag my sweet! xxx

  6. oowww, im soo excited! :D
    thankyouu so much for the tag hun.x.
    i cant wait to do this, looks great funn!
    ahh, i luurve cupcakes + ittalian food!-shame i dont like cheese thoughh...but ii am addicted to pasta- i have it every day! :D itss soo delishh!
    jess xxx

  7. Your guinea piggies are adorable :) haha aw and so are the others. Me and the mister would love some little piggies when we move in together. Bit random but Ive been obsessed with them for a couple of years. xx

  8. Pizza from a Prezzo restaurant is very high on my list of likes and paper cuts are pretty high up on the hate list, but not as high as guinea pigs. Those things terrify me.
