29 July 2010

Sleek MakeUP Circus Palette Tutorial

I promised i'd do a look using the Sleek MakeUP Circus Palette. I thought it was going to be a bit of a challenge to create a wearable look as it's packed with so many bright colours. I had a search through some blog posts to see if I could find some inspiration or a look to re-create. 

I stumbled upon a look on Danielle's blog which I decided to re-create. It is actually really simple and easy to do and is something I would happily wear in public. Danielle's look is a lot neater than mine but I was really pleased with how it turned out and I think it's a really nice summery look. It's quite tropical and reminds me of Hawaii! 

Sleek MakeUP Circus Palette

I would have made this a FOTD but I was having a bad hair day! The shadows were really pigmented and weren't chalky. I found that I only needed a tiny bit of each colour to get a good payoff especially for the pink in my crease. I also used the white as a highlight under my brow.

Here are the colours I used:
Sleek MakeUP Circus Palette


  1. That looks gorgeous - a really pretty way to wear such bright colours :) x

  2. oo this is so pretty :)
    I've always been put of the circus palette purely because i didn't think i'd be able to come up with any wearable looks, but I'd definately wear this x

  3. Awwww thanks Caz! This looks lovely on you and I think you have re-created it well :-) xx

  4. Looks so pretty especially with your eye colour


  5. P.S I have tagged you in an award on my blog!

  6. It looks beautiful babe :) xo

  7. This looks beautiful, that palette is soo pretty and summery! :) xx

  8. You look amazing and the colours bring out your eyes! xxx

  9. What a wonderful look! Its so bright, I adore it!

  10. You've got really pretty eyes!
    I might try a similar look! xx

  11. What a lovely look & very wearable too! x

  12. I love this look, my lovely caz! xxx

  13. Hi! I just found your blog and subscribed! That's a very pretty look! :)

  14. awesome pallet great make up look


  15. looks gorgeous on u...gonna go out a buy that palette - maybe...i would of expected the colours to be more unwearable nd bright but u made them look so pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx goes great with ur eyes

  16. Lovely and summery colours :)

  17. sorry i'm abit late on the bandwagon, still abit slow with the blogging thing hehe, i do love your blog :)

    initially when i bought the "sunset" palette yesterday i thought this was bright but woahh this is way brighter!, but you made it work really nicely, must go and check this out :)
    great post! ♥
