13 August 2010

30 Days: Day 13

A Fictional Book
There are so many books I could choose from for this! I love girly novels like the Shopaholic series so they'd be the obvious choice for me or anything by Sophie Kinsella!
There are two books which I read a while ago that i'll never forget. It wasn't just the brilliant story but the way they were written was so good and I think thats the reason why I enjoyed them. I think they're aimed at teenagers but i'd happily re-read them.
Baby Blue and Blue Moon by Julia Green
Baby Blue is the sequel to Blue Moon and they tell the story of Mia who is 15 and finds out she's pregnant. Blue Moon follows Mia through her pregnancy and how she learns about love and how important families are.  In Baby Blue Mia has given birth to her baby and has to learn about the emotions of being a mum. She also has to make new relationships with the people around her which at times is very difficult.
Both of these books are quite deep and are very different to the girly books I like to read now. I think its nice to read books like this as you learn things about yourself and they really make you think. Although both books follow the journey of teen pregnancy that isn't what they're really about and the deeper you read into the books the more you understand this. These books probably aren't for everyone but if you enjoy reading then they're definitely worth a look at.
I've also just finished I Heart New York by Lindsay Kelk which I really enjoyed and is definitely my kind of book. I'm looking forward to reading Lindsay's other books I Heart Paris and I Heart Hollywood. You can read Lindsay's beauty blog here too. 


  1. I read these books too when I was younger and loved them too. Also just read I heart new york which i thought was great.Really want to read the other two aswel

  2. I've not heard of these 2 books, but they sound quite interesting. I am always on the lookout for a good book.
    I do like my girly books, Sophie Kinsella, Cecelia Ahern, but sometimes it's nice to read something a little different :)

  3. I've never heard of either of these but they sound like a good read..
    I think I'm going to order these :)

  4. These sound like a good read, I will have a look for them next time I'm in Waterstones.

    I've read both I Heart New York and I Heart Paris, and have started I Heart Hollywood, I love them all, they are really worth getting. xx

  5. These are both on my reading list! I've got I heart new york out from the library to read as well :) xxx

  6. Will keep my eyes peeled for these books, they sound like my kind of thing!

  7. I read these books a while ago and they are still my favourites now. I tend to read mostly girly books too but I like picking up these once in a while for a change :) xx
