2 September 2010

30 Days: Day 25

Your Day, In Great Detail
(This post was written for August 25th, sorry it's so late!)
I got up and did a bit of tidying as i've spent the week at home on my own and the house was a bit of a mess so I thought i'd tidy it before my parents got home.
I got the bus into my village with my friend because it was raining. It takes 10 minutes to walk there so it was really lazy but it was free and it's the first time i've done it and I didn't get wet! We bought some ingredients to make chocolate fridge cake from my Hummingbird Bakery cookbook (which is amazing!).
Chocolate Fridge Cake
We made it and then watched a few random afternoon TV shows - Deal or No Deal, Jeremy Kyle and Come Dine With Me which eating it. It was quite sickly so its definitely best in small pieces! We also put Malteasers on top to make it look nicer and because we didn't want to put raisins in it!
I got a bit annoyed by this salesman that came round 4 times - he was so desperate! I didn't bother answering the door, the first time I didn't even get chance - he just knocked and then walked off! Either way I wouldn't buy whatever he was selling! I've been loving all the baking programmes on TV recently - The Great British Bake Off is so good and just makes me want to bake all the time! I also watched a bit of Big Brother for the first time this series - even though I don't really know much about it i'm glad Josie won as she seems really genuine and it's nice to see someone that isn't stick thin winning a TV show. I'm a bit annoyed at how many celebs are in the house now though; i'd love to see Nikki win Ultimate BB now!
I suppose I had a bit of a lazy day today, I just watched TV, baked and tidied haha, thanks for reading if you got this far!


  1. mmmm that cake looks amazing hehe!:)

  2. It looks great C:

  3. You NEED to post how to do this. This looks delish!! xx

  4. Mmm. That tiffin looks delicious!
    Great idea using maltesers instead of raisins.


  5. That looks so yummy, must try this myself! Great blog! x

    Check out my giveaway!

  6. that looks yum!
    i miss big brother so much, it doesn't really screen here in new zealand. nikki was my favourite, i'd love to see her win too haha :)

  7. Hiya - came to visit from Sofia's Journal. Well done on winning her giveaway u lucky thing!! I have been hearing so much about the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook I NEED to buy it lol..! :)

  8. omg that cake looks soooooo nice!<3

  9. This looks jummy! Now you've got me craving some sweets!


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