5 December 2010

Tears Stream Down Your Face, When You Lose Something You Cannot Replace

.1. My driving test was cancelled... AGAIN! I'm not doing it now until January which is annoying as i'm going to have to pay for more lessons and more time on my mum's insurance! I just want to get it over and done with as I know i'm capable of passing it :/ I have been lucky enough to have four days off 6th Form because of the snow which has made my week a lot better though ;)

.2. My lovely little Hamster Honey passed away on Friday and i'm going to miss her so much. She was quite old and had a really happy life and never failed to make me smile. I'll never forget the times she climbed the stairs, the times she would scratch the carpet and annoy my mum and how she always used to come and get her breakfast in a morning even though she was nocturnal :) Losing a pet is so hard but i've got lots of happy memories which i'll never forget and i'm just happy she died peacefully in her sleep. RIP Honey 01/09/08 - 03/12/10 x

.3. I think everyone should follow TheQuoteWhore on Twitter. Every single tweet actually has meaning and I love reading through them everyday. My favourite one so far has to be 'Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten so take it as a lesson learned and move on.'

.4. ♥ A few to follow: Lauren, Sammy, Stephanie, Georgie and Michelle.

.5. ♫ I'm currently listening to: Coldplay - Fix You, Bruno Mars - Grenade, and Alicia Keys - Wait Till They See My Smile


  1. Awwww thank you so much for the mention gorgeous girly! You're a sweetie. I'm so sorry about your hamster :(. Sending you hugs. All the best for your driving test in January. You'll be fine :).


  2. Sorry hunnie to hear that bout your Hamster Honey its good for you to remember all the sweet cute things :) x

    How annoying about your driving test, you get yourself already for it and then for that to happen! Grrr

    Will follow the quotes hun, I love reading quotes :)

    Have a nice evening :) xx

    Ps love the pic above so festive

  3. Mine was cancelled three times, I feel your pain!
    I've been driving over a year now :(

  4. So sorry to hear about Honey :( I hate losing pets, it's just as bad as a human dying imo. Glad she had a happy life though. I'm loving that Bruno Mars song, i woke up singing it today.. lmao! x

  5. Sorry to hear about your hamster :( *Hugs* Hope you are okay!

    Loving the songs you're listening to though!

    - Sriya x

  6. Thank you so much for featuring me in your "a few to follow". I feel so flattered :-)
    I absolutely love Bruno Mars Grenade. It's been on repeat on my ipod for weeks.
    Sorry to hear about your hamster. She lived a long life for a hamster. You must have looked after her very well.

  7. Sorry to hear about your hamster :( xxx

  8. sorry to hear about your hamster :(
    good luck for your driving test i'm sure you'll be fine :)xxxxx

  9. Oh no, that sucks about your driving test! I hope mine doesn't get cancelled or anything ): So sorry to hear about Honey as well lovely. Thanks for the mention, hope you've had a good week despite the above! <3

  10. Really sorry to hear about your hamster :( I have a hamster named Pancake and I love her so much and will be devastated when she goes. Hope you are okay - sounds like she had a lovely life and passed away peacefully.

  11. rip Honey</3 she'll be having fun in hamster heaven!xxx

  12. sorry to hear about your hamster :(

  13. That sucks about your driving test, I bet you just want to get it over and done with!

  14. this is sort of random but, did you text galaxy this morning telling them about your driving test? :P xxxx

  15. Im sory for your hamster..
    Fix you is a great song..


  16. Sorry to hear about your hamster :(.

    Fingers crossed your driving test goes to plan.

    Sadie xx

  17. Sorry to hear about honey :( sounds like she had a long and happy life! and was a cheeky little character when she was here :) one of my dwarf hamsters died last year and I was in bits! still have her sister who has gone a bit senile since then lol, I wonder sometimes if she is lonely without her sis or if she even notices she is gone :p

    That sucks about your driving test - but that is good you feel so raring and ready to sit it and get it out the way! Hopefully the weather will be much better by the time you sit it again, these icy roads are horrible right now. That quote twitter sounds lovely, just what I need right now. Going over to check it out xx xx

  18. im sorry to hear about your hamster xxx

  19. RIP honey
    & I've just started following TheQuoteWhore and I agree, her tweets are always meaningful!! x

  20. I'm sorry to hear about hamster, losing any kind of animal can be hard!
    And i will definately follow TheQuoteWhore, i love meaningful quotes!

  21. Sorry to hear about your hamster chica :( *hugs!*
    & thank you for the follow <3
