6 February 2011

And I Feel Like I'm Breaking Up, And I Wanted To Stay

.1. I went out on Tuesday for a a few games of bowling and a Chinese buffet with my bests and had a lovely night. We've all finished our exams until the summer so it was a nice way to celebrate and spend time together as we haven't seen much of each other thanks to revision! I ate so much food as I can't get enough of their lemon chicken but it was worth it as it tasted so good and I wanted to get my money's worth ;)

.2. On Friday I went to give blood for the 4th time. I didn't manage to give a full donation this time which was so frustrating but there was nothing I could do as my vein didn't want to give much blood! I'm still happy I managed to donate a little bit and there's still the chance I might have saved a life. 

.3. I bought a gorgeous pair of boots from Aldo yesterday. I've been wanting them since before Christmas but at £50 I thought they were a bit expensive. I've been checking the website religiously hoping they would go into the sale and they finally did last week so I quickly snapped up a pair! I might have to dedicate a post to them as they're so comfy!

.4. ♥ A few to follow: Aoife, Stefany and Abby

.5. ♫ I'm currently listening to: White Lies - Bigger Than UsFenech Soler - Demons and Train - If It's Love


  1. I'd love to give blood but I HATE needles, so well done you (:

  2. You are so good giving blood! I have some weird reaction with needles meaning that I fit afterwards but one day hopefully I'll get over that and will be able to donate!

  3. Those boots are sooo cute. I just put on 'If it's love' <333 such a good song!

  4. Ah i'll be giving blood soon, i'm a bit scared but i shan't be looking at the needle, lmao! Glad you had a nice time celebrating :) x

  5. I used to give blood but felt faint a couple of times so am a little scared of it now. I keep meaning to go again.

  6. Aww good for you with giving blood! Even if you didn't manage a full donation this year I'm sure what you did give will be much appreciated by someone somewhere! xo

  7. I've never given blood :( I tried to give blood a few years ago but then was told I couldn't as I had visited Africa in the past 2 years. It's because it is a Malaria ridden country, so even though I didn't have it they still said no. I might try go again, it's important to do as much as we can.

    Thanks for linking my blog :) xxx

  8. I really want to give blood - I've never done it before but definitely think it's a good thing to do. It's great how you talk about it on your blog as it may lead to others donating too :) x

  9. Oh yum, Chinese buffet, haven't been to one of them in years! + so proud that you give blood, if i wasn't terrified of needles and didnt faint at them, i probably would to! Such a good thing your doing! xx

  10. Well done on giving blood! Those boots are gorgeous - good buy!
    Also, those songs are amazing!

  11. I love chinese buffets, simply becuase there is always so much choice and you can eat as much or as little as you like xx

  12. ooh that buffet sounds really good! & yayy for sales, i always wait for them but depressingly i'm never quick enough and my size will go out immediately! haha xx

  13. wow giving blood - that is such a lovely thing to do! I would do it but my iron levels are pretty low - and I don't think it would be advised!

  14. Aww thanks for the link :)

    I love the white lies song!
    I always decided to wait for things like that in the sale but im never quick enough to get them.


  15. Well done for giving blood! Whenever I go they have trouble finding a vein, only one nurse can do it, if she's not there I get sent home :(
    I love the aldo boots, so pretty :)

  16. Chinese buffets are the best thing in the world!
