8 July 2011

Just When Things Are Getting Complicated In The Eye Of The Storm

I've decided to take a different approach to my blog. I'm not making any drastic changes (although my blog is getting a makeover very soon!) but I don't want everything to have to be so perfect anymore. I want to be able to just sit down and write a post and hit publish instead of re-reading it, adding more detail and trying to make it so perfect all the time. I'm a total perfectionist at heart but sometimes I think it holds me back so i'm going to stop caring so much about what people want to read, getting the perfect photo and being grammatically correct every time. It's a blog not a magazine and I can write whatever I want, whenever I want.

Expect to see more lighthearted posts, if I hear a song I love I might just write a quick post and stick the video in just because I can. I want it to be more representative of me and less about fitting to the image of the perfect blog. Hope you're all having a lovely evening!


  1. I love your blog! Doing what you think is best is always more important than what other people think! xxx

  2. After all, 'thisiscaz' haha! I love your blog and I'm pretty sure I'll keep loving it no matter what you write xx

  3. Good plan Caz! Keep up the good work x

  4. i cant wait for the change. :)

  5. This sounds exactly like me! I'm so over organised sometimes it drives me nuts. Hahaha.

    Looking forward to your new posts hun. :) xx

  6. Yeahh - I deleted all my old posts and I am starting afresh with a however/whenever/whatever approach xxxxxx

  7. Love this, looking forward to seeing your new care free style blog x x x

  8. Smart decision :)
    I'm similar that I always wanted perfect pictures, and so I usually ended up procrastinating.

  9. Good on you!
    I recently just turned my blog the other way, aiming to be more 'perfect' and it is much more, not stressful, but time consuming! I don't know how much longer I'll keep it up!
    Whatever you do, stay true to yourself and keep up the good work!

    Polly ♥
