28 August 2011

Where You Been Hiding Lately, Where You Been Hiding From The News?

.1. In two weeks time i'll have left home and moved into my uni accommodation. Slightly scared by this as it's come around so fast and i've hardly got anything that i'm going to need! I'm not really sure what I need which doesn't help - I don't want to buy lots of things I won't use! If anyone has any suggestions on things I really should buy or things I shouldn't bother with i'll be really grateful! 

.2. I finally made a Models Own order as a treat for getting into uni and I do love a good sale ;) It was a massive effort as my basket got cleared a million times and the site was really slow! My order also ended up going through twice but the Models Own Customer Services were really efficient and refunded the second one. I then emailed them back as I never got an email receipt for my order only for them to tell me it hadn't gone through. So i've re-ordered and i'm hoping it will be simple and they will have refunded the right money to my account. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a few new polishes and a nail art pen so I can have leopard print nails!

.3. Muffin went to the vets on Friday as she had to have a few injections. She's had them before and hates the vets so I don't really like taking her as she's 4 and a half and stressing her out isn't great for her. This time she saw a really nice vet, he actually seemed to care and loved the fact that she's very cute and tame which was nice! Most Guinea Pigs squeak when they have injections so he was really surprised when Muffin didn't but that's what you get for having the best Guinea Pig in the world ;)

♥ Quote of the week: 'If you always worry about what you’re missing out on, you will miss out on what you already have.' Zen Habits


  1. Eep, I'm moving in two weeks time to uni as well! So far I've bought some storage boxes for clothes and shoes, IKEA helmer for make-up and toiletries, cutlery and kitchen stuff and new bedding. You might also want a lock for your kitchen cupboard (all my mates at uni say it's essential) and a little lock up box for your ID and money. OH. And insurance for your laptop, camera etc since they're usually not covered by the uni for damages/ theft etc.

  2. If you're moving in to halls, don't buy a kettle/toaster/sandwich maker as most people bring them. If it turns out no-one brought one (I dont think this has happened to ANY of my friends) then you can always club together and get one as a flat.

    That's my main tip on what not to take. For other uni related tips check out my blog, as I've just done a series of uni related advice posts.

    Polly ♥

  3. I'd say if in doubt, pack less for uni - I took far too much in my first year! I'd stick to basics in the kitchen - don't take more than two pairs of cutlery/bowls/mugs etc as it'll just take up loads of space, and if you're anything like me it'll just make you leave washing up for as long as possible!
    Likewise with anything else really - pack washing powder, and more clothes/make up than you'd normally pack for holiday (plus face paint for fancy dress if you want) but don't try to transport your whole room (ahem) - my best recommendation would be to pack little but book a weekend back home a few weeks in - you can then pick anything up that you need then.

    I would pack a few treats (like favourite food, mug) and a couple of things to put on the wall to make it more 'homely' when you arrive. I also brought a full length mirror (I told you I overpacked) but it was really useful as I only had a tiny one over my bedroom sink, and a full length one in the kitchen (and who wants to check their outfit there?!) and it made my room a lot lighter.

    It's worth checking what comes in the room/flat first, and any regulations - we weren't allowed mini fridges in our room, for instance, and any extra kitchen equipment like those cheese toastie things had to be checked by university staff.

    Hope this helps!

  4. http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/wiki/What_To_Take_To_University

    This list is really useful - though obviously you won't need everything off of it (like beanbag?!) but because it covers pretty much everything, you could compile your own list from it. To be honest, the worst bit is packing up the car, then realising that you and yoru parents have to get in as well...I was literally packed in with things on my lap for my journey haha.

  5. I ditto everything else the others have said. My mam packed me off with way too much stuff - like an electric mixture?! Mind you I was thankful for the steamer pan. I just took one of each when it came to cultuery and plates, a couple of pans and some glasses/mugs. Plus a corkscrew/bottle opener. When it comes to bedding and towels I took two sets and a huge IKEA bag for keeping things that needed washing in.

    Hope that helps x

  6. That bedroom's so pretty! When I went to uni I took soooooo much stuff I didn't need so the best thing is to make a list and if you do need anything extra, go exploring and find the best places for bargains. Good luck for start of term! :)

    Hope all goes well with the Models Own order - I've only ordered with them once before and didn't have any problems so I'm looking forward to seeing your nail art once the order arrives.

    Glad your Guinea Pig is OK. I hate seeing my pets when they go to the vets because they don't stop crying but they don't seem to mind lots of fuss and cuddles after :) x


  7. http://www.studential.com/checklist This is a handy checklist to start off with, but you will not need everything. I already had a Microwave, Kettle and Toaster in my uni house.

    Hope all goes well with the Models Own order.
    Kelly x

  8. If you're in catered accommodation as others have said don't take a toaster etc as you don't want to end up with 5 toasters in you're kitchen, maybe wait till you get there and if someone hasn't brought something you'll all need you could chip in together to buy it. I did find it handy to have a small kettle in my room though for making drinks. There will be probably be poster sales during your first few weeks but it's a great idea to take some photos/pictures to decorate with to make your room feel more homely! x
