30 December 2011

Christmas week in photos

I've been really enjoying everyone's Christmas posts so I thought i'd do one myself. I had a really nice day and got some lovely presents as well as eating lots of nice food! 

 Nina by Nina Ricci - this was one of my favourite presents as i've been wanting it for so long; definitely going to make it last!

A Christmas present to myself- my River Island purse which was a steal at £8 :)

 My very alternative Christmas dinner which tasted so good! Salmon En Croute (made by me), homemade stuffing balls, carrots and parsnips :)

Boots Christmas sale purchases - in love with my Starbucks mug!

No Christmas would be complete without a few Celebrations - love the Malteasers ones!


  1. Looke like you had a lovely Chrismtas - I love that Starbucks mug and your Christmas dinner looks really yummy. x

  2. I love that perfume, its gorgeous! x

  3. Looks like you had an amazing christmas :)! xx

  4. Hope you had a lovely Christmas.. I looove the malteaser ones in celebrations, wish they'd bring out a box of just them!! x

  5. I have the same purse in the dusky pink/nude colour :) Your alternative Christmas dinner looks just as delicious. Can't believe you made the salmon en croute! And I was actually so shocked when I found out that Celebrations do TWIX now. Since when?! x

  6. Such pretty perfume, I love the Boots sale too xxx

  7. I bought that Starbucks mug yesterday, well two one for my boyfriend as well.

  8. I looove the perfume you got, it smells so nice <3 And the ad for it is lovely as well! Your purse is super pretty too, such a bargain!

  9. I have the exact same starbucks mug! I love the mugs they do in Boots at Christmas time. Great blog:)


  10. Ooh I so want that Christmas mug! Your Christmas dinner has just made me SO hungry! x

  11. Oh wow the food looks amazing.
