25 March 2012

Dreaming Only Lasts Until You Wake Up And You Find You're Not Asleep


.1. After over a month of not blogging i'm finally back! I'm not going to lie, i've really missed having the time to actually write something other than assignments and over the next 3 weeks when i'm at home i'm going to make the most of it! I want to update the way my blog looks, my blogs I love page and a lot more so when i'm not enjoying the nice weather, catching up with friends or working on my final assignment of the year I will be doing something blog related, i've even found my camera so it's all good!

.2. I'd love to be able to tell you what i've been up to in the past month but it's all been a bit of blur; I completed three 2,500 word assignments this month - having one due in every week of March hasn't helped my social life but all I have left of my first year at uni is two exams and a 3,500 word assignment so i'm glad they're out of the way!

.3. I went to see 21 Jump Street on Thursday; I really enjoyed it as it's my kind of film although I did sleep through some of it as my sleeping pattern at uni has been so bad recently - i'm determined to sort it out now i'm home! I also went out for a meal to Varsity with my flatmates - I honestly can't get enough of their food, especially as it's such a good price!

Blogs i've been ♥ing: Even though my own blog has been a massive fail i've still been keeping up with all my favourites - at the minute i'm really enjoying Jade, Selin, Emma and Laura's blogs :)

♫ I'm currently listening to: Emeli Sande - Lifetime and James Michael - Skinny Love


  1. So lovely to see a post from you lovely. You sound so busy at the moment, but I'm really happy for you with everything ♥ xoxo

  2. three 2500s?? holy crap its taken me one month to do 1000 words..

    1. haha I didn't think i'd ever manage to finish them all, I need to stop leaving my work till the last minute and staying up all night finishing it! Hope uni is good well for you! x

  3. so glad to hear that uni is going well can't believe your almost finished with your first year! have a great time at home xx

    1. Thanks, I can't believe how fast it's gone! Not really looking forward to second year when i'll have even more work to do! x

  4. 21 jump street is so good :)! i'm almost at the end of my first uni year too - i know how you feel! xx

    1. I really enjoyed the bits of it that I didn't sleep through haha, part of me is looking forward to finishing my first year and part of me isn't! x

  5. Thank you for the blog love :) I am actually currently sitting in the silent zone of the library at midnight trying to finish a 2500 essay but somehow I've found myself reading blogs...oops. Good luck with the exams! Can't wait to go home for Easter toooo x

    1. Its ok - loving your outfit posts at the minute! I get distracted by everything when i've got an assignment to do and I always regret leaving it till the last minute! Hope you managed to finish it and have a good Easter :) x

  6. Great to see you back. Sounds like you've been working really hard so hope you're having a bit of a break now before exams :) x

    1. Thanks :) I'm having a few days of doing nothing and then i'm hoping to start my last assignment so i'm not writing it at 3am a few hours before hand in haha x

  7. Seems I have popped into your blog at the right time :)
    Welcome back Caz... Just want to let you know I like reading your posts! xx
