18 April 2012

The Blogging Tag

I really love writing tag posts and I think they're a really nice way of finding out more about the person behind a blog. This post has been sat in my drafts for a while so I don't know where I found it but I really enjoyed going through a few of my older posts to put it together :) I'm not going to tag anyone in particular to do this as I think it's a tag everyone should do!

Your most beautiful post: My Floral Print NOTD is probably my most beautiful post. I really want to try and re-create it when my nails are a bit longer!

Your most popular post: Boys, Boys, Boys is my most popular post according to my stats. The main reason for this is that The Wanted have a crazy amount of fans and judging by the number of hits i've had, Nathan Sykes is a very popular guy!

Your most controversial post: I Hate To Turn Up Out Of The Blue, Uninvited is a post I wrote when I decided to change the direction of my blog. I'd hit a brick wall and was considering just giving up blogging and as you can tell i'm still here :) I think there are a few bits of this post that are maybe a bit controversial but it's definitely a really honest post.

Your most helpful post: I think my French Manicure Tips and Tricks post is quite a helpful one and I can remember really enjoying writing it. How I Wash My Makeup Brushes also got quite a bit of support so was probably quite helpful.

A post whose success surprised you: Obviously I wouldn't expect a tag like Boys, Boys, Boys to be my most popular post but as i've already mentioned that one i'll pick my Secret Santa Gift Ideas. Everyone seemed to really enjoy this post so it's definitely one i'd like to write again this Christmas if I get chance.

A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved: This was a really difficult one to pick as I don't really think my posts deserve 'attention'. I always find that my music posts don't really get as many comments as my other posts but I think everyone has a different taste in music so that's probably why.

The post that you are most proud of: I'm really proud of I Hate To Turn Up Out Of The Blue, Uninvited because of the way it's written but the photos on my I Love Jewellery post turned out really nicely so I suppose i'm quite proud of that one too :)


  1. Nice work, I am really glad to be 1 of several visitants on this awful site : D

  2. What a great little summary tag! I'm not sure if I could ever think up a controversial post on my own blog and I always find it funny how the posts that I write on the spare of the moment or really quickly are the ones that get loved/commented the most.
