I recently set myself a bit of a challenge to find a new foundation that actually worked for me. I’ve been using Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid for a few years and while it’s ok i’ve recently found it a bit too thick and orangey so I wanted a bit of a change. I’m one of those people who sticks to a product and repurchases it out of habit even though there are probably better alternatives out there so I actually enjoyed finding a new one!

I went to Boots as I had a few vouchers to spend and I decided that as everything was on 3 for 2 I’d try three different foundations and see which one I liked the best. I read quite a lot of blogs and this makes choosing a good one relatively easy as you tend to pick up on what people’s favourites are and which ones to avoid.
The three I ended up purchasing were Bourjois Healthy Mix, Revlon Nearly Naked and Revlon Colorstay.
I’m going to review each one individually; so far my favourite one has been Revlon Colorstay but I want to try them all for a little bit longer before I write each of my posts. If you've tried any of these foundations i'd love to hear what you think or if there are any others you'd recommend feel free to let me know in the comments :)
I haven't tried any of these so would love to know how you rate them. Loving bb cream's at the moment because of the heat but I'm sure with the British weather I'll be back to wearing foundation again in no time lol x