7 January 2016

Fifteen Things I Loved In 2015

I spent my New Year in London and had the best few days I probably had in the whole of 2015 which is why i've only just written this! I thought i'd share some of the things I loved last year to go with the things I learned that I posted last week.

1. Channel 4 for First Dates, 24 Hours in A&E and Gogglebox.

2. Avocado & Egg on Toast, for the easiest and healthiest comfort food ever

3. My car for the independence I needed, even if i'm sometimes anxious about driving

4. Origins Drink Up Mask for saving my dry skin, always

5. Everyone I spent my New Year with, because non-stop laughing for three days is the best way to end a year!

6. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - for a quick workout that makes a difference, because I'm still not brave enough to join the gym!

7. The Michalaks - for making the most relaxing vlogs to watch on a Sunday so I can forget about the rest of the week

8. Spotify - for the playlists and 1226 hours of non-stop music I listened to every day in 2015

9. Pinterest - for giving me the inspiration and the best motivation to save for a house deposit

10. My Guinea Pigs - Pudding, Crumble, Cookie and Treacle, for making me smile and giving me a reason to get out of bed every morning

11. Manchester Christmas Markets, for the best way to feel festive - I can't wait for Maple Syrup Pancakes and Amaretto Hot Chocolate in December!

12. Barry M Speedy Nail Paints, for making smudged nails a thing of the past

13. Galaxy Cookies, because eating a pack of four is a perfectly acceptable reward for finishing every uni assignment

14. Prides, for being my most played band of 2015 and Messiah for being the soundtrack to my year

15. Dough in Manchester for the best pizza and Brew & Brownie in York for the best pancakes


  1. Ooooh lovely compilation of items from 2015! adaatude.com

  2. I love first dates on channel 4! xx

