14 June 2017

Five good things in Spring

Ted Baker black wedding guest dressEton Mess Ice CreamGosport beach

1. I went to two weddings in the space of a month so i'm enjoying not having to worry about what i'm going to wear anymore! For the first one we travelled down to Portsmouth and I wore this Ted Baker dress and these shoes from ASOS which were a bit of a nightmare to walk in! The venue was really nice and I liked visiting somewhere new especially as I love being by the sea! For the second one I wore this dress and the same shoes which I still couldn't walk very well in!

2. My Guinea Pigs are four next week which means they're on their way to being old ladies although they definitely don't act like it! I don't write about them on here as much as i'd like to but I was interviewed by Monster Pet Supplies as their featured blogger recently so if you'd like to find out a bit more about them you can read the post here.

Afternoon tea at Harrods in LondonCrumble Guinea PigSheep and lambs in Leeds

3. I went to London with the girls in March and we went exploring and had afternoon tea at Harrods which was so good! I'll be sharing a post soon with some more pictures as I think it's important to share the love after all the things that have happened in the city recently. If you're looking for somewhere special for afternoon tea i'd really recommend Harrods for a treat, even if it is quite expensive!

4. I finally started running again after over six months off! Now the weather is better and the nights are lighter I have no excuse and it's something I really need to do as I spend most days sat at a desk.  I also ignored my anxiety and ran solo for the first time which was definitely not as scary as I thought it would be! I still have a long way to go but i'm loving tracking my progress and you've got to start somewhere!

5. The music on my driving playlist at the minute is: Alone Together - All Tvvins ft James Vincent McMorrow, Bad Boy - Dan Croll, Running - A R I Z O N A and Undercover - Fenech Soler.

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