Sail on Bombay Sapphire. Without a doubt the best thing we did in Fuengirola was take a two hour trip on Bombay Sapphire. Although we didn't see any dolphins we were lucky enough to get our own private trip as we were the only people who had booked at the time. Our hosts, John and Lorenzo were really welcoming and offered us drinks and snacks as we set off from Fuengirola port. They let us play our own music (Ben Howard and Jack Johnson) and lay on the sunbeds at the front of the boat. It was the first time in months i'd actually felt properly relaxed and I really didn't want it to end! If there's one thing you do in Fuengirola you need to go on this boat - John's passion for sailing means you won't leave disappointed!

Stay at Hotel Casa Consistorial. We were very lucky to get a cheap room at this hotel after booking our trip really last minute and we loved staying there. It has a rooftop pool which is where we spent a lot of time - there are plenty of sunbeds and earlier in the week it is really quiet. There is also a sauna and bar up there too which made it even better! We had breakfast at the hotel which was a buffet style - it's not the best i've tried but it was ok for a short holiday. My only real complaint would be the bed which was quite hard and by the end of the week I found sleeping a bit uncomfortable! The rooms themselves were modern with nice bathrooms and the hotel is set in a square with orange trees, about a minute away from a huge Zara!

Eat at La Galeria. A full post of my food recommendations is coming soon but thought i'd share somewhere we stumbled across and loved! La Galeria is a street food style market with lots of little stalls serving a variety of different cuisines from tapas to greek, sushi and mexican. The nachos we had were amazing but we could definitely have tried so many other things while we were there. This is an ideal place to eat if you don't want a large meal and want something quick without settling for greasy fast food.
Watch the sun set. After a meal one night we decided to walk on the beach, only to get there and be met by this incredible sun set. Fuengirola isn't a luxury place by any means so it was so nice to see this in among the restaurants and bars on the seafront.

Watch the sun set. After a meal one night we decided to walk on the beach, only to get there and be met by this incredible sun set. Fuengirola isn't a luxury place by any means so it was so nice to see this in among the restaurants and bars on the seafront.

Visit Cabopino. We went to Cabopino on the recommendation of a relative and while there isn't much there we enjoyed a walk along the beach and around the marina to see the yachts. We had a meal at Albert's which is a restaurant that looks out onto the harbour - the food was traditional English style so it made sense to have fish and chips while enjoying the view!

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